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Terms for subject Economy (8594 entries)
Leontjevi pöördmaatriks Leontief inverse
leping agreement (EU)
leping contract
lepingu allakirjutamine signature of an agreement
lepingu läbivaatamine revision of an agreement
lepingu lõpetamine termination of a contract
lepingu pikendamine renewal of an agreement
lepingu protokoll protocol to an agreement
lepingu rahaline hüvitamine financial compensation of an agreement
lepingu ratifitseerimine ratification of an agreement
lepinguga ühinemine accession to an agreement
lepinguläbirääkimised negotiation of an agreement (EU)
lepinguline fond common fund
lepinguline kasvatamine contract farming
lepinguline tasaarvestus contractual netting
lepinguline vastutus contractual liability
lepingulised töötajad contract staff
lepingust taganemine withdrawal from an agreement
lepingutingimus contract terms
lepitaja mediator