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Terms for subject Statistics (7608 entries)
transmissieversterking gain
transmissiezijde line side
transporttelling census of the transport industry
transversaal onderzoek in de algemene bevolking field enquiry
transversaal onderzoek in de algemene bevolking field survey
transversale gegevens cross-sectional data
trapmethode staircase method
trapmethode up and down method
trapverdeling staircase distribution
trek naar de stad influx of the population into the city districts
trendaanpassing trend fitting
trendberekeningsmethode moving average process
tricot-en kousenindustrie knitting industry
trigonometrische transformatie angular transformation
tropisch stamhout tropical log
trunklijn connection
trunklijn trunk
Tsjebysjev-benadering Tchebychev inequality
Tsjebysjev-benadering Tchebychev's inequality
Tsjebysjev-benadering Tchebychev's theorem