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Terms for subject Marketing (4861 entries)
Standaardclassificatie voor de Internationale Handel Standard Classification International Trade
standaardeenheid standard
standaardisatie van de knowhow know-how standardization
standaardkoers group standard rate of exchange
standaardvolume standard
Standard Industrial Classification code SIC code
Standard Industrial Classification code Standard Industrial Classification code
startende zaak start up firm
startende zaak starting-up firm
statiegeld deposit
statiegeld pledge deposit
stationsrekening station account
statutair dividend statutory dividend
statutair overschot statutory surplus
statutaire reserves reserves required by the memorandum and articles of association or by contract
stekel barb
stellingkaart bin card
stellingkaart bin docket
stellingkaart bin tag
Stelsel tot stabilisatie van de exportopbrengsten Export earnings stabilization system