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Terms for subject Mathematics (5497 entries)
dempingsfactor damping factor
dendrogram dendrogram
denkbeeldige populatie hypothetical population
denkfout van Berkson Berkson's fallacy
derde kwartiel upper quartile
derdemacht van correlatie cube of correlation
destructief onderzoek destructive test
determinantcorrelatie determinant correlation
determinatiecoëfficiënt coefficient of determination
deterministisch model deterministic model
deterministisch proces deterministic process
deterministische verdeling causal distribution
deterministische verdeling degenerate distribution
deviatie deviate
deviatie residuals deviance residual
diagonale regressie diagonal regression
diagonale regressie volgens Frisch diagonal regression
dichotome variabele binary data
dichotome variabele binary variable
dichotome variabele dichotomous variable