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Terms for subject Pharmacy and pharmacology (3447 entries)
Scheve verdeling Skew distribution
schildwachtklier sentinel node
Schoenzool epidemiologie Shoe-leather epidemiology
sclerogene pneumoconiosis sclerogenic pneumoconiosis
Screeningsniveau Screening level
sectie milieubescherming, volksgezondheid en consumentenzaken Section for Protection of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs
Sector biotechnologische producten (Deel A) Sector for Biotechnology Products (Part A)
Sector biotechnologische produkten (Deel A) Sector for Biotechnology Products (Part A)
Sector Documentatie en Archivering Sector for Documentation and Archives
Sector Documentatie en archivering Sector for Documentation and Archives
Sector Registratiezaken en Geneesmiddelenbewaking Sector for Regulatory Affairs and Pharmacovigilance
Sector registratiezaken en geneesmiddelenbewaking Sector for Regulatory Affairs and Pharmacovigilance
Sectordiagram Pie chart
Seculaire periodiciteit Secular cyclicity
Seculaire trend Secular trend
Secundair kontakt Secondary contact
Secundaire attack rate Secondary attack rate
sedativum sedative
sedativum nepenthes
Seizoensperiodiciteit Seasonal cyclicity