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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (1943 entries)
alarmsysteem met het oog op de uitwisseling van informatie over illegale immigratie en mensensmokkel early warning system for the transmission of information on illegal immigration and facilitator networks
alarmwapen alarm
algemeen plan ter bestrijding van illegale immigratie en mensenhandel in de Europese Unie Comprehensive plan to combat illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings in the European Union
algemeen programma Solidariteit en beheer van de migratiestromen General programme "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows"
alleenstaand kind separated child
alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdeling unaccompanied minor
alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdeling unaccompanied and separated child
alternatief voor bewaring alternative to detention
ambtenaar van de immigratiedienst immigration officer
analoge origineel analogue original
anti-scanning patroon anti-scanning pattern
apparaatskosten administrative overheads
arbeidsmigrant labour migrant
arbeidsmigrant migrant worker
arbeidsmigrant foreign worker
arbeidsmigratie labour migration
arbeidsvergunning work permit
arceren hatch
ARGO-programma ARGO programme
ARGO-programma Action programme for administrative cooperation in the fields of external borders, visas, asylum and immigration