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Terms for subject Education (5089 entries)
Marie-Curiebeurs voor ervaren wetenschapper Marie Curie experienced researcher fellowship
Marie-Curiebeurs voor ervaren wetenschapper Marie Curie experienced researchers' fellowship
Marine Bewakingskorps Diploma voor onbezoldigd ambtenaar van het Korps Rijkspolitie Navy Surveillance Corps Diploma for unsalaried investigating officers of the National Police Force
marktontwikkeling market development
Massive Open Online Course massive open online course
masteropleiding van Erasmus Mundus Erasmus Mundus Masters Course
masterstudie graduate studies
masterstudie postgraduate studies
mate van aggregatie level of aggregation
Matra Multilateraal Programma Matra Multilateral Programme
MAVO-abituriënt MAVO school leaver
MDGO-agogisch werk senior secondary vocational course in community education
MDGO-AW senior secondary vocational course in community education
mechanische techniek mechanical techniques
medezeggenschap van de werknemers workers’ participation
medezeggenschapsraad participation council
media voor geavanceerd leren multi-media material for advanced learning
media-integratie multi-media integration
mediaevistiek Medieval studies
mediageletterdheid media literacy