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Terms for subject Law (25946 entries)
testimone ricusabile exceptionable witness
testimone ricusato rejected witness
testimone vulnerabile vulnerable witness
testimoni contumaci defaulting witnesses
testimoni o periti citati avanti alla Corte witnesses or experts summoned before the Court
testimonianza del funzionario dinanzi alla giurisdizione nazionale examination of an official as witness before a national court
testimonianza orale evidence given as witness
testimonianza orale evidence given by witness
testimonianza orale oral evidence
testimonianza scritta certificate
testimonianza scritta testimonial
testimonianza unanine unanimous evidence
testimoniare give evidence before the court
testimoniare bear witness
testimoniare certify witness
testimoniare give evidence
testimoniare depose evidence
testimoniare give evidence
testimoniare a favore di... testify in someone's favour
testimoniare dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee give evidence before the Court of Justice of the European Communities, to