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Terms for subject Patents (5845 entries)
spezie diverse dalle spezie per pollame spices (other than poultry spices)
spezie, ghiaccio spices, ice
spezzoni cinematografici in cassette da usare con visori e proiettori tascabili film clips within cassettes used with hand-held viewers or projectors
spille brooches
spille pins
spille e aghi pins and needles
spille per cravatte tie pins
sponsorizzazione finanziaria financial sponsorship
sportelli bancomat cash dispensing
sportelli bankomat automatici automated teller machines
spray ambientali room sprays
spray per capelli hair spray
spray per il corpo body sprays
spray profumati per l’ambiente fragrant air freshening sprays
spugne sponges (not for surgical use)
spuntini snack foods
squadre e righe da disegno drawing squares and rulers
stampanti printers
stampanti a getto di inchiostro ink jet printers
stampanti laser laser printers