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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
rifiuti vetrificati vitrified wastes
rifiuti vetrificati e rifiuti di vetrificazione vitrified wastes and wastes from vitrification
rifiuti, trucioli e frammenti di plastiche waste, parings and scrap of plastics
rifiuto a base di carbonio carbonated waste
rifiuto agricolo agricultural waste (Unusable materials, liquid or solid, that result from agricultural practices, such as fertilizers, pesticides, crop residue (such as orchard prunings) and cattle manure)
rifiuto agrochimico agrochemical waste
rifiuto animale animal waste
rifiuto animale animal waste (Discarded material from industries directly associated with the raising of animals, such as those wastes produced by livestock farming (manure, milk, etc.), meat production and animal testing (animal bodies, animal parts, feathers, etc.) and fur breeding (fur, blood, etc.))
rifiuto cellulosico cellulose waste
rifiuto chimico chemical waste
rifiuto chimico chemical waste (Any by-product of a chemical process, including manufacturing processes. Often this by-product is considered a toxic or polluting substance)
rifiuto chirurgico surgical waste
rifiuto chirurgico surgical waste (Any tissue, blood or mucus removed during surgery or autopsy, soiled surgical dressings, or other materials requiring special disposal procedures)
rifiuto contenente mercurio mercury bearing waste
rifiuto da attività mineraria mining waste (Any residue which results from the extraction of raw materials from the earth)
rifiuto da attività mineraria mining waste
rifiuto da consumo consumer waste
rifiuto da consumo consumer waste (Materials purchased, used and discarded by the buyer, or consumer, as opposed to those discarded in a manufacturing process)
rifiuto da imballaggio packaging waste
rifiuto da imballaggio packaging waste (Waste comprised of materials, or items, used to protect, contain, or transport a commodity or product and usually considered a type of consumer waste)