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Terms for subject Environment (21488 entries)
riciclo del plutonio plutonium recycling
riciclo di sostanze radioattive recycling of radioactive substances
riciclo mediante solidificazione rapida recycling by rapid solidification
ricircolazione dei gas di scarico exhaust gas recirculation
ricircolazione dei gas di scarico exhaust-gas-recirculation
ricircolo recirculation
ricircolo sludge return
ricircolo dei fanghi recirculation of sludge
ricircolo dei fanghi recycling of sludge
ricircolo dei fanghi recirculation
ricircolo dei fanghi sludge return
ricircolo dei fumi waste gas recirculation
ricognizione aereo aerial reconnaissance
ricoltivazione di un terreno recultivation
riconduzione dei gas vapour recovery system
riconduzione dei gas vapour recovery system (Gas feedback device: while refuelling gasoline vapors are sucked off and led back again into the storage tank)
riconoscimento del modello pattern recognition
riconoscimento del modello pattern recognition (A remote sensing term referring to an automated process through which unidentified patterns can be classified into a limited number of discrete classes through comparison with other class-defining patterns or characteristics. Pattern recognition is an essential part of the classification of remotely sensed images and is used as an aid to image interpretation)
riconoscimento ufficiale di categoria official category award
ricorso redress (An administrative or legal remedy that attempts to restore a person to his or her original or expected position prior to loss or injury, including breach of contract)