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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
raccolta delle azioni concernenti le foreste tropicali EU Tropical Forestry Sourcebook
raccolta di rifiuti waste collection
raccolta di rifiuti waste collection (The periodic or on-demand removal of solid waste from primary source locations using a collection vehicle and followed by the depositing of this waste at some central facility or disposal site)
raccolta di rifiuti alla fonte waste collection at source
raccolta di rifiuti alla fonte waste collection at source (The gathering and transporting of refuse from its place of origin, system where waste is collected by the waste producer at the production place)
raccolta differenziata separately collected fractions
raccolta differenziata separated collection
raccolta differenziata selective waste collection
raccolta differenziata separated collection (The collection of individual components of solid waste from any source, usually separated into different collection containers, in order to recover, reuse or recycle the material or to facilitate its collection and disposal)
raccolta differenziata di rifiuti selective waste sorting
raccolta in massa bulk collection
raccolta per mezzo di imprese specializzate contractor removal
raccolta separata separate collection
raccolto harvest (The amount or measure of the crop gathered in a season)
raccolto di pesce harvest of fish
raccomandazione recommendation (Recommendation refers to an action which is advisory in nature rather than one having any binding effect)
raccomandazioni per la riduzione del rischio recommendation for risk reduction
raccordo ad uso privato connection to gulley
raccordo ad uso privato domestic discharge culvert
raccordo ad uso privato house drain