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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
pianta industriale industrial plant (organism)
pianta medicinale medicinal plant (Plants having therapeutic properties)
pianta mesofita mesophyte
pianta palustre helophyte
pianta palustre marsh plant
pianta psammofila psammophyte
pianta psammofila sand plant
pianta rampicante climbing plant (wall)
pianta resinosa resinous plant (Plants yielding or producing resin)
pianta resinosa resinous plant
pianta sciafila shade-loving plant
pianta sciafila skiaphyte
pianta sciafila skiophilous plant
pianta selvatica wild plant (Plants growing in a natural state (not cultivated))
pianta strisciante creeper
pianta strisciante creeping plant
pianta terrestre land plant
pianta terrestre terrestrial plant
pianta tessile textile plant (Plant producing material suitable to be made into cloths)
pianta tropicale tropical plant (Plants growing in tropical areas in conditions of constant rain and high temperature)