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Terms for subject Patents (6175 entries)
pane e prodotti a base di pane bread and bread products
pane indiano poppadams
pane, biscotti, dolci, pasticceria e confetteria bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and confectionery
pane, biscotti, dolci, pasticceria e confetteria, gelati bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and confectionery, ices
pane, biscotti, dolci, pasticceria, caramelle e confetteria bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry, candy and confectionery
pane, biscotti, pasticceria e confetteria bread, biscuits, pastry and confectionery
pane, pasticceria e confetteria bread, pastry and confectionery
pane, pasticceria e confetteria, gelati bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices
pane, prodotti a base di pane, pasticceria bread, bread products, pastry
pangrattato breadcrumbs
panini di avena e grano rolled oats and wheat
panini imbottiti rolls
panna cream
panna artificiale imitation cream
panna e prodotti a base di panna cream and cream products
pannelli panels
pannelli di controllo control panels
pannelli solari solar panels
panni per asciugare i piatti tea towels
panni per pulire cleaning cloths