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Terms for subject Medical (170587 entries)
otite cronica colesteatomatosa chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma
otite cronica non colesteatomatosa chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma
otite da piscina swimmer's ear
otite da piscina swimming-pool otitis media
otite da piscina tank ear
otite degli natatori swimming pool otitis
otite del neonato otitis neonatorum
otite delle piscine swimming pool otitis
otite esterna otitis externa
otite esterna external otitis
otite esterna swimmer's ear
otite esterna external ear inflammation
otite esterna allergica allergic otitis externa
otite esterna parassitaria otiobiosis
otite esterna parassitaria otobiosis
otite interna labyrinthitis
otite interna inflammation of the labyrinth
otite interna internal ear inflammation
otite media middle ear inflammation
otite media otitis media