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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
negozio shop (A place, especially a small building, for the retail sale of goods and services)
negozio shop
negozio di vernici paint shop (A shop where paint and related items are sold)
negozio di vernici paint shop
Nel 1987 dopo l'accordo di Montreal che prevedeva entro l'anno 2000 il dimezzamento nella produzione di cluorofluorocarburiCFC,i 14 grandi produttori mondiali di CFC si riunirono nel PAFT 1cfr.definizionea cui fece seguito nel 1988 il PAFT 2. Program for Alternative Fluorcarbon Toxicity Testing
nematocida nematicide
nematodi nematode (A group of unsegmented worms which have been variously recognized as an order, class, and phylum)
nembostrato nimbostratus
neoceratodo di Forster Australian lungfish
neomeride focenoide Indian finnless porpoise
neomeride focenoide black finnless porpoise
neomeride focenoide finnless black porpoise
neomeride focenoide finnless porpoise
nepente indiana Indian pitcher plant
nerofumo di gas carbon black
net-net accounting net-net accounting
nettarine e pesche noci nectarines
nettezza urbana municipal cleansing
nettezza urbana municipal cleansing (The aggregation of services offered by a town or city in which streets and other public areas are kept clean, such as through trash pick-ups, street sweeping and decontamination of water, soil and other natural resources)
nettofrinoidi viviparous African toad