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Terms for subject Economy (19752 entries)
legno tropicale tropical wood
legume perenne perennial vegetable
leguminose leguminous vegetable
Lesotho Lesotho
lettera a garanzia di indennizzo letter of indemnity
lettera attestante il debito estero Debt representation letter
lettera di accompagnamento summary list
lettera di credito confermata confirmed letter of credit
lettera di ipoteca letter of hypothecation
lettera di trascrizione ipotecaria letter of hypothecation
lettera di vettura internazionale international consignment note
letteratura literature
letteratura grigia grey literature
Lettonia Latvia
lettore di dischi disc drive
leucosi animale animal leucosis
levatrice midwife
level playing field fair level playing field
level playing field level playing field
leveraged buy-out leveraged buy-out