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Terms for subject Environment (21488 entries)
inquinamento marino dovuto a cause accidentali accidental marine pollution
inquinamento minerale mineral pollution
inquinamento minerale mineral pollution (Pollution deriving from all classes of mining operations and having an adverse effect on aquatic life, water supplies and the recreational use of waters)
inquinamento nei bagni di decapaggio acidi pollution caused by acid pickling
inquinamento olfattivo olfactory pollution
inquinamento olfattivo olfactory pollution (Pollution produced by gaseous emissions in the atmosphere that, even in very small amounts, may cause injuries or a condition of general unease or sickness to persons living in the vicinity)
inquinamento organico organic pollution (Pollution caused by animal or plant material derived from living and dead organisms that may contain pathogenic bacteria and negatively influences the environment)
inquinamento per cause tecniche operational pollution
inquinamento preesistente preexisting contamination
inquinamento proveniente da terra land-based pollution
inquinamento provocato dai nitrati pollution caused by nitrates
inquinamento provocato dalle navi ship-source pollution
inquinamento pulviscolare dustfall
inquinamento radioattivo radioactive pollution of the environment
inquinamento radioattivo delle acque radioactive pollution of water
inquinamento tellurico land-based marine pollution
inquinamento tellurico land-based pollution
inquinamento tellurico pollution from land-based sources
inquinamento termico thermal pollution (The excessive raising or lowering of water temperature above or below normal seasonal ranges in streams, lakes, or estuaries or oceans as the result of discharge of hot or cold effluents into such water)
inquinamento tossico toxic pollution