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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
formazione geologica continentale profonda deep geological formation on land
formazione geologica sotto il fondo degli oceani profondi geological formation under the deep ocean floor
formazione iniziale initial training (Any education, instruction or discipline occurring at the beginning of an activity, task, occupation or life span)
formazione pioniera alpina Alpine pioneer formations
formazione professionale vocational training (A special training for a regular occupation or profession, especially, one for which one is specially suited or qualified)
formazioni erbose calcicole delle sabbie xerofitiche xeric and calcareous grasslands
formazioni erbose calcicole rupicole o basofile rupiculous calcareous or basophilic grasslands
formazioni erbose secche seminaturali e facies coperte da cespugli semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies
forme contenenti leganti organici utilizzate casting cores and moulds containing organic binders which have undergone pouring
forme del rilievo terrestre relief (land)
forme del rilievo terrestre landform (Any physical, recognizable form or feature of the Earth's surface, having a characteristic shape and produced by natural causes; it includes major forms such as plane, plateau and mountain, and minor forms such as hill, valley, slope, esker, and dune. Taken together the landforms make up the surface configuration of the Earth's)
forme di scarto contenenti leganti organici inutilizzate casting cores and moulds containing organic binders which have not undergone pouring
formichiere gigante giant anteater
formichieri ant-eaters
formula di miscelazione mixing rule
fornace furnace
fornace furnace (A structure or apparatus in which heat is produced by the combustion of fuel, often to warm houses, melt metals, produce steam and bake pottery)
fornace in scala ridotta small-scale furnace
fornace in scala ridotta small-scale furnace (Small enclosed structures containing a heat source, typically used for the purpose of intense heating. Most are lined with refractory material, the heat source is typically provided by electrical elements or the burning of gas, coke or coal)
forni di incenerimento incineration furnaces