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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
flusso di picco peak flow
flusso di polveri dust flow
flusso idrologico hydrologic flow
flusso idrologico hydrologic flow (The characteristic behaviour and the total quantity of water involved in a drainage basin, determined by measuring such quantities as rainfall, surface and subsurface storage and flow, and evapotranspiration)
flusso solare - lunghezza d'onda wavelength-resolved solar flux
flusso solare spettrale solar spectral flux
fluttuazione delle popolazioni population fluctuation
foca della Groenlandia harp seal saddle-backed seal
foca monaca monk seals
focena del Pacifico Gulf of California harbour porpoise
focena del Pacifico Gulf porpoise
focena del Pacifico cochito
focena del Pacifico vaguita
focene porpoises
foche true seals
focolaio residuo smudge
fogliame foliage (The green leaves of a plant)
fogna discharge culvert
fogna sewer
fognatura a sistema unico combined sewer