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Terms for subject Agriculture (55107 entries)
chiudiscatole can seaming machine
chiusa game fencing
chiusa game preserve
chiusa a secco dry stone weir
chiusa a separazione mobile movable panel
chiusa a separazione mobile movable partition
chiuse enclosed areas
chiuse enclosures
chiusinodelle vasche manhole
chiusinodelle vasche manhole door
chiusura sealing
chiusura ad uncinetto hook fastening
chiusura dei solchi covering the plant furrow
chiusura dei solchi filling the plant furrow
chiusura metallo su metallo metal-to-metal closure
chiusura orizzontale horizontal closure
chiusura verticale vertical closure
chlordane chlordane
chlorfenac 2, 3, 6-trichlorophenylacetic acid
chlorfenac chlorfenac