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Terms for subject Patents (5845 entries)
candele per occasioni speciali special occasion candles
candele profumate scented candles
candele, stoppini candles, wicks
candeline tealights
canne da pesca fishing rods
cannucce per bere drinking straws
canottiere singlets
canottiere vests
cappelleria headgear
cappelleria e cinture headgear and belts
cappelleria, cappelli, berretti headgear, hats, caps
cappelli di carta per feste paper party hats
cappelli e articoli di cappelleria hats and headgear
cappelli e berretti hats and caps
cappelli, berretti, foulard, sciarpe, scialli, pannolini, bavaglini, cravatte hats, caps, scarves, mufflers, shawls, nappies, bibs, neckties
cappelli, berretti, visiere hats, caps, visors
cappelli, calzini, cinture, berretti, guanti, grembiuli hats, socks, belts, caps, gloves, aprons
cappotti coats
cappotti, giacche, t-shirt, felpe, maglioni, maglie, golf, coats, jackets, t-shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, jumpers, cardigans, neckties
cappucci hoods