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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
biorivelazione biodetection
biosfera biosphere (That part of the Earth and atmosphere capable of supporting living organisms)
biosicurezza biosafety (The combination of knowledge, techniques and equipment used to manage or contain potentially infectious materials or biohazards in the laboratory environment, to reduce or prevent harm to laboratory workers, other persons and the environment)
biosintesi biosynthesis (Production, by synthesis or degradation, of a chemical compound by a living organism)
biosociologia biocenotics
biossido di azoto nitrogen dioxide
biossido di carbonio carbon dioxide
biossido di titanio E 171
biossido di zolfo dell'atmosfera sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere
biostabilizzatore biostabilizer
biostabilizzatore biostabilizer for organic waste
biostabilizzatore dei rifiuti organici biostabilizer
biostabilizzatore dei rifiuti organici biostabilizer for organic waste
biota biota
biota acquatico aquatic biota
biotecnologia biotechnology (A combination of biology and technology. It is used to describe developments in the application of biological organisms for commercial and scientific purposes. So "bio" stands for biology and the science of life, and "tech" stands for technology, or the tools and techniques that the biotechnologists have in their workbox. Those tools and techniques include microorganisms and a range of methods for manipulating them, such as genetic engineering)
biotecnologia dell'ambiente environmental biotechnology
biotecnologie collegate alla salute health-related biotechnology
biotecnologie collegate alla salute health-related biotechnology (Health-related biotechnologies are concerned with large-molecule protein pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering, etc.)
biotecnologie per l'agricoltura agricultural biotechnology