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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
barramunda Australian lungfish
barre di combustibile nucleare nuclear fuel element
barre di combustibile nucleare nuclear fuel element (A piece of nuclear fuel which has been formed and coated, and is ready to be placed in a reactor fuel assembly)
barriera acustica noise barrier
barriera acustica noise buffer
barriera acustica sound-proof wall
barriera antirumore noise barrier
barriera antirumore noise barrier (Barriers for reducing the propagation of sound: they are widely used in industry and alongside roads and railways to shield receivers from noise sources. Barriers will not reduce the noise on the receivers side, but will increase it, unless the barrier is also covered in absorbing material)
barriera commerciale trade barrier
barriera commerciale trade barrier (An artificial restraint on the free exchange of goods and services between nations. The most common types of trade barriers are tariffs, quotas, and exchange control. Such obstacles to trade are usually imposed by a country that wishes to protect domestic products in their home market against foreign competition, better its terms of trade, reduce domestic unemployment, or improve its balance-of-payments position. The raising of trade barriers by one country often provokes other nations position. Generally, the effect of a trade barrier is to reduce the volume of trade while increasing the domestic price of the protected good. Thus, it results in a relatively inefficient allocation of world resources and reduces the level of total world income and production)
barriera corallina coral reef (Coral reefs have been built up from the skeletons of reef-building coral a small primitive marine animal, and other marine animals and algae over thousands of years. They occur in clear, shallow and sunlit seas. Coral reefs are one of the most productive and diverse ecosystems and are estimated to yield about 12% of the world's fish catch. They are very vulnerable to any change in their environment, especially pollution, because it makes the water opaque. They must have light in order that photosyntesis by the algae can take place. Like trees, corals reflect the environmental conditions in which they grow, indicating marine pollution, sea-surface temperature and other aquatic conditions)
barriera di contenimento galleggiante oil boom
barriera di contenimento galleggiante oil boom (A floating device used to contain oil on a body of water. Once the boom has been inflated, it is towed downwind of the oil slick and formed into a U-shape; under the influence of wind, the oil becomes trapped within the boom. Skimming equipment travels into the boom enclosure and the oil is pumped into containers)
barriera di scogli barrier reef
barriera di scogli barrier reef (An elongated accumulation of coral lying at low-tide level parallel to the coast but separated from it by a wide and deep lagoon or strait. The coral is thought to have formed initially on a flat surface: then as the sea-level rose in post-glacial times, thereby submerging the irregular wave-cut platform, the coral growth kept pace with the rising ocean level, so creating the great thickness witnessed today in such places as the Great Barrier Reef off the East coast of Queensland, Australia. This stretches for more than 1900 km and varies in width from about 30 km to 150 km)
barriera frangivento shelter belt
barriera frangivento shelter-belt
barriera frangivento shelterbelt
barriera frangivento wind-break
barriera frangivento windbreak