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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
malattia polmonare pulmonary disease (Any disease pertaining to the lungs)
malattia polmonare pulmonary disease
malattia professionale occupational disease (A functional or organic disease caused by factors arising from the operations or materials of an individual's industry, trade, or occupation)
malattia respiratoria respiratory disease
malattia umana human disease
malattia umana human disease (An interruption, cessation or disorder of human bodily functions, systems or organs resulting from genetic or developmental errors, infection, nutritional deficiency, toxicity, illness or unfavorable environmental factors)
maleo delle Celebes maleo
maleo delle Celebes maleo megapode
malese di Hardwicke Malayan peacock-pheasant
malformazione malformation (Permanent structural change that may adversely affect survival, development or function)
malimbo dal ventre rosso red-vented malimbe
malimbo dalla gola nera black-throated malimbe
malimbo dalla testa rossa red-headed malimbe
malimbo di Gray Gray's malimbe
malnutrizione malnutrition (Defective nutrition due to inadequate intake of nutrients or to their faulty digestion, assimilation or metabolism)
malva domestica dwarf mallow
mammiferi mammal
mammiferi mammal (Any animal of the Mammalia, a large class of warm-blooded vertebrates having mammary glands in the female, a thoracic diaphragm, and a four-chambered heart. The class includes the whales, carnivores, rodents, bats, primates, etc.)
mammifero acquatico aquatic mammal
mammifero marino marine mammal (Mammals which have adapted to live in the sea, such as whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc.)