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Terms for subject Patents (6175 entries)
caricabatterie battery chargers
carillon musical boxes
carne e prodotti a base di carne meat and meat products
carne ed estratti di carne meat and meat extracts
carne, pesce meat, fish
carne, pesce, molluschi e crostacei non vivi, pollame e selvaggina meat, fish, non-living molluscs and crustaceans, poultry and game
carne, pesce, pollame e selvaggina meat, fish, poultry and game
carne, pesce, pollame e selvaggina, estratti di carne meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts
carne, pesce, pollame e selvaggina, non vivi meat, fish, poultry and game, none being live
carne, pesce, pollame, selvaggina, frutti di mare meat, fish, poultry and game, sea food
carne, pollame e selvaggina meat, poultry and game
carni e salsicce meats and sausages
carni e salsicce conservati preserved meats and sausages
carni e salsicce, anche surgelati meats and sausages, also deep-frozen
carni e salsicce, frutti di mare, pollame e selvaggina, anche conservati o surgelati meats and sausages, seafood, poultry and game, also preserved or deep-frozen
carni e salumi meat products and charcuterie
carrelli trolleys
carrelli a ripiani classificatori filing trolleys
carrelli da ufficio office trolleys
carrelli multiuso general purpose trolleys