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Terms for subject Environment (21494 entries)
tamarù tamaraw
tamarù tamarou
tameng Eld's deer
tameng thamin
tangara dai sette colori seven-coloured tanager
tannino tannin (One of a group of complex organic chemicals commonly found in leaves, unripe fruits, and the bark of trees. Their function is uncertain though the unpleasant taste may discourage grazing animals. Some tannins have commercial uses, notably in the production of leather and ink; used in tanning, as a mordant in dyeing, and in ink manufacture)
tantalo malese southern painted stork
tapiri tapirs
tapiro sudamericano Brazilian tapir
tappo bottle cap (No definition needed)
tappo bottle cap
tarare con un dosimetro campione calibration by means of a standard dosimeter
taratura assoluta absolute calibration
targa rating plate
targhetta dei dati di funzionamento rating plate
tariffa tariff (A classified list or scale of charges made in any private or public business)
tariffa di riacquisto feed-in tariff
tariffa doganale customs tariff (An official list or schedule setting forth the duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods)
tariffa verde green pricing
tariffazione dell'acqua water pricing (Applying a monetary rate or value at which water can be bought or sold)