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Terms for subject English (93 entries)
guar gummi, guarkernemel E 412
Hamas Hamas
hundredweight hundredweight
hydroxypropylcellulose E 463
integrering af princip mainstreaming
Jamaat-e-Islami Jamaat-e-Islami
kafala kafala
kafala-plejeforhold kafala
kaldenavn alias
Korea Korea
lex causae lex causae
Lisbon Council Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal
Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal
Loya Jirga loya jirga
mainstreaming mainstreaming
mainstreaming-princippet mainstreaming
mayday mayday
midlertidig international tilstedeværelse i Hebron Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron
Modular Vehicle Communication Interface Modular Vehicle Communication Interface
monensin natrium E 714