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Terms for subject Medical (74439 entries)
P-catecholaminer plasma catecholamines
P-cortisol cortisol
p-dialyse peritoneal dialysis
p-pille oral contraceptive
p-pille pill
P-site peptidyl-tRNA binding site
P-tak P-wave
p.d. per day
p02 oxygen partial pressure
P4SR indeks P4SR index
påbegyndt handling initial action
påbud om gennemførelse af svangerskab compulsory continuation of the pregnancy
Pacchioni-granulationer Pacchionian bodies
Pacchioni-granulationer Pacchionian corpuscles
Pacchioni-granulationer Pacchionian granulations
pacemaker pace-maker
pacemaker centre of stimulus formation
pacemaker sinoatrial node
pacemaker sinus node
pacemaker pacemaker