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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
NACE/CLIO-grupperne aggregeret til brancher consumption internal to each of the groups of which the branch is composed
nægtelse af fordele denial of benefits
Nær- og Mellemøsten Middle East
nærhedsprincip principle of subsidiarity
næringsfrihed freedom of trade
nærmere aftalte mængder specific quantities
nærpoliti neighbourhood police
næstbedste teori second best theory
næstformand for parlament Deputy Speaker of Parliament
NAFTA-lande NAFTA countries
nåletræ conifer
Namibia Namibia
nanoteknologi nanotechnology
narkotikahandel drug traffic
narkotikaøkonomi drug economy
narkotikas geografiske fordeling geopolitics of supply
narkotisk stof narcotic
Natali-plan Natali Plan
natarbejde night work