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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
tariftillæg additional duty
tarifzone tariff zone
Taskforce for Forenkling af Erhvervsklimaet Business Environment Simplification Task Force
Taskforce om Økonomisk Styring task force on economic governance
Taskforce på Højt Plan vedrørende Kvalifikationer og Mobilitet high level skills and mobility task force
Tauragė Tauragė county
tavshedspligt professional secret
tavshedspligt obligation of secrecy
tavshedspligt secrecy obligation
tavst flertal silent majority
taxa taxi
Tchad Chad
te tea
teknisk assistance technical cooperation
teknisk assistance technical assistance
teknisk bistand technical cooperation
teknisk driftsplan schedule technique
teknisk erhverv technical profession
teknisk FN-kommission UN technical commission
teknisk globaltilskud technical global grant