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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
Saarland Saarland
Saba Saba
saccharose sucrose
Sachsen Saxony
Sachsen-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt
sæde for myndigheden administration headquarters
sædlagring semen storage
sædopbevaring semen storage
sædvaneret customary law
sæl seal
sælge med tab dump
sælge med tab sell below cost
sælge til spotpris dump
sælge til spotpris sell below cost
særbehandling special and differential treatment
særberetning til underbygning af revisionserklæringen special report in support of the statement of assurance
særlig beskyttelsesbestemmelse special safeguard provision
særlig betingelse for landedækning specific condition for country cover
særlig datapubliceringsstandard Special Data Dissemination Standard
særlig domstol court having special jurisdiction