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Terms for subject Economy (19808 entries)
proviantbåd bumboat
proviantbåd victualler
proviantbåd victualling boat
provins province
provinsen Antwerpen Province of Antwerp
provinsen Brabant-Wallon Province of Walloon Brabant
provinsen Flamsk Brabant Province of Flemish Brabant
provinsen Hainaut Province of Hainault
provinsen Liège Province of Liège
provinsen Limburg Province of Limbourg
provinsen Luxembourg Province of Luxembourg
provinsen Namur Province of Namur
provinsen Østflandern Province of East Flanders
provinsen Vestflandern Province of West Flanders
provinser i Irland regions of Ireland
provision,drikkepenge,mødehonorarer og tantiemer udbetalt til de ansatte commissions,tips,attendance and directors'fees paid to employees
provisioner commissions
psykiatri psychiatry
psykiatrisk hospital psychiatric institution
psykisk spænding mental stress