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Terms for subject Medical (74439 entries)
ponopathia Kraepelin Kraepelin syndrome
pontine flexur pontine flexure
pontine symptomer consecutive symptoms
pontint-mesencefale syndromer pons-mesencephalon syndromes
ponto-cerebellar dystrofi pontocerebellar dystrophy
population med angioneurotiske tegn group of persons with angioneurotic signs
populationsdosisækvivalent belastning population dose-equivalent commitment
populationsscreening mass screening
populationsscreening population screening
populationsscreening population-based screening
populationsscreening population-based screening programme
porefilter filtering screen
porøs kerne hollow core
porphyria porphyria
porphyria prophyria
portabilitet portability
portabilitet transferability
portablok portal block
portocaval anastomose porto-caval anastomosis
portocavalt shuntsyndrom shunt syndrome