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Terms for subject General (46123 entries)
Harvard onko-mus the Harvard oncomouse
harver harrows
hasselnødder hazelnuts
hastebehandling prompt dispatch of business
hastebehandling expedited action
hasteminering urgent mining
hastende beslutning coming into general use of the majority voting
hastende beslutning resolution on urgent subjects
hasteprocedure interlocutory procedure
hasteprocedure interlocutory proceedings
hasteprocedure urgent preliminary ruling procedure
hasteprocedure urgent procedure
hasteprocedure urgency procedure
hastig forbrænding deflagration
hastig overgang hasty crossing
hastighed rate
hastighed for tilførsel af positiv reaktivitet positive reactivity insertion rate
hastighed ved motorudbrænding all burnt velocity
hastighed ved udbrænding burn out velocity
hastighed,hvormed en tør reaktorkerne igen kan sættes under vand speed of flooding of an exposed core