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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
huder og skind animal skin
hudsygdom skin disease
hugstmoden alder exploitable age
hugstmodenhed maturity
humane relationer human relations
humangeografi human geography
humanitær folkeret international human rights law
humanitær hjælp humanitarian aid
humle hops
Hunedoara Hunedoara
hurtig retsforfølgning summary procedure
hurtiglæsning speed reading
hurtigt sættes ny bevægelse i dialog swift reactivation of the dialogue
husdyr domestic animal
hushjælp ansat af husholdningerne domestic staff employed by households
husholdning home economics
husholdning housekeeping
husholdning household operation
husholdninger og private ikke-udbyttegivende institutioner households and private non-profit institutions
husholdningernes disponible indkomst household disposable income