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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
familiens nettoindkomst net family agricultural income
familiens nettoindkomst net family income
familieplanlægning family planning
familiepolitik family policy
familieret family law
familiesolidaritet family solidarity
familievirksomhed family business
familieydelse family benefit
fangst efter art catch by species
fangstzone catch area
FAO's Principper for afsætning af overskudsvarer og konsultationsforpligtelser FAO Principles of Surplus Disposal and Consultative Obligations
får sheep
fårekød sheepmeat
fåreost sheep's milk cheese
farligt affald hazardous waste
farligt stof dangerous substance
farmaceut pharmacist
farmaceutisk nomenklatur drugs classification
farmaceutisk produkt pharmaceutical product