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Terms for subject Medical (74439 entries)
edder laudable pus
eddike med spansk flue cantharidic vinegar
Edinger-Westphal's kerne accessory nucleus
Edinger-Westphal's kerne nucleus of Edinger-Westphal
edipermal epidermal
edipermal skin-related
Edwards syndrom 18 trisomy
Edwards syndrom chromosome 18 trisomy
Edwards syndrom Edwards syndrome
Edwards syndrom 18+ syndrome
Edwards syndrom trisomy 18
EEG-reaktion electroencephalographic response
EF-bestemmelser om lægemidler Community pharmaceuticals legislation
EF-eksportautoriseret virksomhed Community exporting plant
EF-handlingsprogram for sundhedsfremme, sundhedsoplysning, sundhedsundervisning og sundhedsuddannelse som led i indsatsen på folkesundhedsområdet Programme of Community action on health promotion, information, education and training within the framework for action in the field of public health
EF-handlingsprogram vedrørende forebyggelse af AIDS og visse andre smitsomme sygdomme som led i indsatsen på folkesundhedsområdet EUROPE AGAINST AIDS
EF-handlingsprogram vedrørende forebyggelse af AIDS og visse andre smitsomme sygdomme som led i indsatsen på folkesundhedsområdet Programme of Community action on the prevention of AIDS and certain other communicable diseases within the framework for action in the field of public health
EF-handlingsprogram vedrørende forebyggelse af narkotikamisbrug som led i indsatsen på folkesundhedsområdet Programme of Community action on the prevention of drug dependence within the framework for action in the field of public health
EF-handlingsprogram vedrørende forebyggelse af personskader som led i indsatsen inden for folkesundhed Programme of Community action on injury prevention in the framework for action in the field of public health
EF-handlingsprogram vedrørende forureningsrelaterede sygdomme som led i indsatsen inden for folkesundhed Programme of Community action on pollution-related diseases in the context of the framework for action in the field of public health