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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
betalt ferie paid leave
betalt ferie holiday pay for annual holidays
betalte nettokapitaloverførsler net capital transfer paid
betalte regningers procentdel bill collection rate
betingelser for bistand terms for aid
betingelser for pension retirement conditions
betingelserne for fordringens inddrivelse conditions in which payment is due
betinget lån conditional loan
betinget løsladelse release on licence
betinget støtte conditional assistance
betjene connect up stations
betjene serve
betjening af udlandsgælden servicing of the external debt
betleri mendicity
beton concrete
bevægelighedsgrad mobility rate
bevægelighedstal mobility rate
Bevægelsen for Beskatning af Finansielle Transaktioner til Gavn for Borgerne Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens
bevægelsesfrihed freedom of movement