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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
efterårs- og forårsblanding overturn (limnology)
efterbehandling post-treatment (Treatment of treated water or wastewater to improve the water quality)
efterbehandling post-treatment management
efterbehandling post-treatment
efterbehandling af renset jord post-treatment measures
efterbehandlingsfond Landfill aftercare fund
efterbehandlingsteknologi after-treatment technology
efterbrænder post-combustion chamber
efterbrænding afterburning (An afterburner is a gadget fitted to the exhaust flues of furnaces and also to the exhaust systems of motor vehicles. They remove polluting gases and particles, which are the result of incompletely combusted fuel, by incineration and break down other chemical molecules associated with combustion into inert chemicals)
efterfølgende forbedring retrofitting (1. Addition of a pollution control device on an existing facility without making major changes to the generating plant. 2. Providing a jet, an automobile, a computer, or a factory, for example, with parts, devices or equipment not in existence or available at the time of original manufacture)
efterfølgende kontrol med affaldsdeponier after-care of disposal sites
efterforbrænding after-burning
efterforbrænding med anvendelse af ilt after-burning with use of oxygen
efterforbrændingskammer secondary combustion chamber
efterforskning exploration
efterforskning exploration (The search for economic deposits of minerals, ore, gas, oil, or coal by geological surveys, geophysical prospecting, boreholes and trial pits, or surface or underground headings, drifts, or tunnels)
efterforskning af naturgasforekomster natural gas exploration
efterforskning af naturgasforekomster natural gas exploration (Underground prospection conducted with various methods to discover natural gas deposits which are usually found in the immediate vicinity of crude petroleum)
eftergivelse af gæld til gengæld for bæredygtig udvikling debt for sustainable development swap
efterklang reverberation