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Terms for subject Insurance (3168 entries)
indledende klausul recital clause
indregistrering af arbejder registration of the worker
indsugningsskade ingestion damage
indtægt af reserver financial product of reserves
indtrædelsescertifikat certificate of entry
indtruffet,men endnu ikke anmeldt skade incurred but not reported
industribrandforsikring industrial fire insurance
industrirettighedsforsikring industrial property rights insurance
initiativtagende deltager initiating participant
inkludere dækning ved aftale include the cover by agreement
inkorporerede udenlandske ydelser inclusion of foreign subcontracting
insolvensklausul insolvency clause
inspektionshonorarer architects',surveyors'and consulting engineers'fees
inspektør engineer-surveyor
institution for alderdomsforsikring old-age insurance institution
institution,der administrerer ordningen for arbejdere i stålindustrien scheme applicable to manual workers in the steel industry
Institutklausuler Institute clauses
Institutklausuler standard marine clauses
instrument til feedback om præmier Premium Feedback Tool
interessentgruppe for arbejdsmarkedspensionsordninger Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group