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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
gydebiomasse spawning-stock biomass
gydeområde spawning area
gydeområde spawning ground
gydeplads spawning ground (Area of water where fish come each year to produce their eggs)
gylle semi-liquid manure (No definition needed)
gylle manure (Animal excreta collected from stables and barnyards with or without litter; used to enrich the soil)
gylle liquid manure
gylle muck-slurry
gylle semi-liquid manure
gylle sludge
gylle slurry
gylle manure
gyllekanal slurry pit
gylletank storage vessel for livestock manure
haardhedsgrad degree of hardness
habitat biotope
habitat habitat
habitat habitat (1. The locality in which a plant or animal naturally grows or lives. It can be either the geographical area over which it extends, or the particular station in which a specimen is found. 2. A physical portion of the environment that is inhabited by an organism or population of organisms. A habitat is characterized by a relative uniformity of the physical environment and fairly close interaction of all the biological species involved. In terms of region, a habitat may comprise a desert, a tropical forest, a prairie field, the Arctic Tundra or the Arctic Ocean)
Habitat-Agendaen Habitat Agenda
habitat-type ecotype