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Terms for subject Chemistry (24266 entries)
blanding admixture
blanding mixture
blanding preparation
blanding af metalcarbider mixture of metal carbides
blanding af smeltet salt og aske melt salt-ash mixture
blanding af stenkulstjære og kreosot coal-tar creosote solution
blandingsanlæg blending system
blandingsfordeling mixture distribution
blandingsingrediens compounding ingredient
blandingsolie compound oil
blandingsregulator mixture control
blandingsrør throat injection
blandingstank for kemikalier chemical mixing tank
blandingsvarme heat of mixing
blåning blueing
blankbejdsebad bright dip
blanket precut blank
blanksortering glost sorting
blåsyre hydrocyanic acid
blåsyre Hydrocyanic acid