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Terms for subject Medical (74439 entries)
v.Bergmann's hammer Bergmann hammer
v.Bergmann's håndgreb v.Bergmann manipulation
v.Bergmann's hernie v.Bergmann hernia
v.Bergmann's hydroceleoperation v.Bergmann operation
v.Bergmann's incision v.Bergmann incision
v.Bergmann's låsbare pincet v.Bergmann clamp forceps
v.Bergmann's mundbundsfistel Bergmann fistula of mouth floor
v.Bergmann's mundbundsfistel v.Bergmann fistula of floor of mouth
v.Bergmann's nåleholder v.Bergmann needle-holder
v.Bergmann's sårtoilette v.Bergmann wound dressing
v.Bergmann's syndrom hiatus hernia syndrome
v.Bergmann's tenotom v.Bergmann tenotome
v.Bergmann's ventrikelresektion modification of Bergmann gastric resection
v.Bergmann-Israel-incision v.Bergmann-Israel incision
v.Bernuth's syndrom Bernuth syndrome
v.Bischoff's hjerneteori Bischoff brain theory
v.Dungern-Hirschfeld's lov v.Dungern-Hirszfeld law
v.Dungerns denaturerede mælk v.Dungern predigested milk
v.Finck's gipsseng von Finck plaster bed
v.Finck's vatkors von Finck cotton tampon