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Terms for subject Law (19515 entries)
offentlig enhed body governed by public law
offentlig enhed public entity
offentlig enhed public law body
offentlig enhed state-owned entity
offentlig fødevarekontrol official control of foodstuffs
offentlig foranstaltning national measure
offentlig forsyning public utilities
offentlig forsyning public utility company
offentlig forsyning statutory undertaker
offentlig forsyning utilities
offentlig fridag legal holiday
offentlig fridag statutory holiday
offentlig ikke-monetær virksomhed public nonmonetary enterprise
offentlig irettesættelse public reprimand
offentlig koncession public concession
offentlig koncession concession
offentlig kontrol af fødevarer official control of foodstuffs
offentlig meningstilkendegivelse public expression of opinion
offentlig myndighed governmental authority
offentlig myndighed public authority