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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
ødslen med naturens ressourcer wastage of natural resources
OECD's gule niveau OECD amber tier
OECD's røde niveau OECD red tier
OECD-klassifikationsliste over affald bestemt til nyttiggørelse OECD classification list of wastes destined for recovery operations
oedelaeggelse af den naturlige bevoksning deterioration of natural vegetation
oedelaeggelse af den naturlige plantevaekst deterioration of natural vegetation
oekolog ecologist
oekologisk katastrofe ecocatastrophe
oekologisk katastrofe ecological disaster
off-site behandling off-site treatment
offentlig governmental
offentlig adgang til areal public access to land
offentlig adgang til areal public access to land (The right or permission for all persons of a community to use government owned geographic areas such as parks, campgrounds and historical sites)
offentlig administrativ institution public institution of administrative nature (Public institution for the management of administrative issues)
offentlig administrativ institution public institution of administrative nature
offentlig affaldsplads dump site
offentlig affaldsplads dumpsite
offentlig affaldsplads landfill site
offentlig aktion public action (A measure or provision taken on behalf and with the consent of the general populace)
offentlig aktion public action