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Terms for subject Insurance (3168 entries)
afsløringspligt duty of disclosure
afslutningsreassurance reinsurance to close
afsluttende finansiering terminal funding
aftager buyer
aftager customer
aftager purchaser
aftale om assistance assistance contract
aftale om eksportkreditter til jordstationer til satellitkommunikation Understanding on Export Credits for Ground Satellite Communications Stations (OECD)
aftale vedrørende eksportkreditter til skibe (OECD) Understanding on Export Credits for Ships
afvigende element non-conforming element
afvigende forpligtelse non-conforming commitment
afvigende kreditvilkår deviating credit conditions
afvigende vilkår non-conforming terms and conditions
afvigende vilkår terms not in conformity with this understanding
afvigende vilkår, som der er givet underretning om notified derogating terms and conditions
afvikling liquidation
afvikling (af en kredit) repayment (of a credit, of a loan)
afvise krav reject a claim
afvisende udtalelse adverse opinion
afvisende udtalelse negative opinion