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Terms for subject Chess (19221 entries)
"фанат" шахмат regular chess bum
"фианкетированный" конь fianchettoed knight
"физика" physical condition
"финиш с пустыми руками" big zero
"финишный створ" last-round outlet
"француз" French freak
"хвост команды" tail boards
"хвост турнира" tailend
"хвост турнирной таблицы" tailend
"хвост" bottom players
"хвост" rear of a pack
"хвост" tournament outsiders
"хитрожопый" cunning chessplayer
"ходящая" рука hand moving the men
"хозяева поля" locals
"хозяин поля" home player
"цыплята" little chickens
"цыплятник" beginner's tournament
"частокол" единичек в таблице row of ones in a table
"чеканить медали" push forward in a tournament