
Terms for subject Badminton (1173 entries)
分散对手注意力 distract the opponent
将球抛起 toss up the ball
爆发性动作 explosive action
逆时针转换 circle counterclockwise
切球 cut
标志带 mark tape
有发球权 in
有拖带动作的击球 unclean hit
选择"再赛"权 choice of "setting"
选择再赛权 option of setting
上垫 upper base
上垫 upper part of the base
吊球 drop
吊球 drop spike
下蹲防守 crouch defence
下垫 lower base
下垫 lower part of the base
锋利扣杀 razor-sharp smash
不掌握发球权一方 outside