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Terms for subject Biology (27494 entries)
茶树煤污病 sooty mold of tea
茶树赤叶枯病 copper blight of tea-tree
茶树枝枯病 canker of tea tree
茶树炭疽病 anthracnose of tea
茶蔗穿孔蛾 currant moth
茶带纹刺蛾 tea slug-caterpillar
茶天牛 stem borer
茶紫长蚧 tea scurfy scale
茶紫纹羽病 violet root rot of tea
茶根腐线虫 Loo's root lesion nematode
茶尺蛾 tea geometrid
茶瘿螨 pink tea mite
茶半跌线螨 yellow mite
茶半跌线螨 broad mite
茶半跗线螨 broad mite
茶半跗线螨 yellow mite
茶子实蝇 tea seed fly
茶网饼病茶白网病,Exobasidium reticulatum Ito et Saw. net blister blight of tea
茶属山茶属,Camellia L.,茶科 camellia
茶条 Amur maple